Retirement....A Lot Of Work!

That's right!  RETIREMENT .... It's really a lot of work .... and stressful!   Whoever said, more time is what everyone needs?  When that long awaited fabulous day arrives, we're just not ready! .... I recently retired from a successful career in teaching, ..... a little before I had planned, .... but never the less was adjusting nicely to the idea! .... A few months in, and I'm finding this a bigger challenge than facing a classroom full of middle schoolers and their .... "It's All About Me" attitudes! .... So I decided to write about some off my 'Post Retirement' adventures .... Maybe through my experiences you'll be more aware of the pros and cons of this lifestyle .... and a little more prepared than I was! 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Every-day's Not A 911!

It's like this .... if you know anything about the term .... Metaphysics .... you'll understand what I'm sharing with you today .... Admittedly, my life has been far from  NORMAL lately! .... I have always viewed normal as something to aspire to, but after listening to  Rev. Joe ....  from the " Center For Spiritual Living" .... I discovered that I needed to rethink .... My Normal .... If you compare normal to  front page stories of a newspaper .... (you know, the important stories) .... then understanding normal begins to take on a unique perspective ....  According to Rev. Joe, "Life just isn't about the front page story, it's about the comics too!" ....  I can relate to this and how I have been dealing with many aspects of my life .... especially this new retirement thing! .... Good news for me though .... every problem has a life span ....  keeping that in mind, a new normal is in store for me.  As I stated in my previous post, this coming week school will start and for the first time since I've been in high school, I officially do not have to report to a ..... NORMAL  .... job! .... Work is a large part of our every day life's .... but for me, sitting back and enjoying the spoils of life is my reward for being a .... NORMAL American worker! .... How will I handle it? .... How will others handle me? .... How will the world survive without the guidance and control? .... You see, if I'm not dealing with the 'Front Page Stories' .... How can I exist?.... How can the world exist .... without its .... 'Super-hero' ? ....  So this is the point of today's post, no matter how hard I try to force issues like .... activities .... friendships .... travel .... relationships .... I can't make them  NORMAL! .... NORMAL is going to happen when it's ready .... and in a way that is ultimately best for me and anyone that touches my life.  So there you have it .... everyday doesn't need to be a 911!

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