Retirement....A Lot Of Work!

That's right!  RETIREMENT .... It's really a lot of work .... and stressful!   Whoever said, more time is what everyone needs?  When that long awaited fabulous day arrives, we're just not ready! .... I recently retired from a successful career in teaching, ..... a little before I had planned, .... but never the less was adjusting nicely to the idea! .... A few months in, and I'm finding this a bigger challenge than facing a classroom full of middle schoolers and their .... "It's All About Me" attitudes! .... So I decided to write about some off my 'Post Retirement' adventures .... Maybe through my experiences you'll be more aware of the pros and cons of this lifestyle .... and a little more prepared than I was! 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What An Unusual First Week Of Retirement!

Okay .... I haven't posted for a couple of days because .... I've been BUSY! .... That's right, busy working .... actually volunteer teaching in a kindergarten classroom and having a blast.  The perfect way to ease into retirement is to go to work when you really don't have too! .... The comparison is like going to a restaurant that offers an all-you-can eat Steak and Seafood Buffet .... and only choosing to eat a salad. You know you're doing something good .... (even-though it hurts a little) .... but when you get home you can look back and be proud of yourself.  This experience is awesome .... coming at the right time in my life when patience is an absolute necessity .... and a chance to work with youngster leaving the security and comfort of their homes and family .... in some cases .... for the first time! .... I'm teaching them order .... structure .... learning to share .... getting along with others .... and they are teaching me to be loving .... accepting .... forgiving .... and excited about new opportunities! .... The symbiotic relationship leans more in my favor because I have forgotten some basics of life .... just relax and enjoy the moment .... stop to smell the roses .... put aside petty differences .... and learn each day! .... Maybe when we work at a job for so many years we become so consumed in the .... JOB DESCRIPTION .... that we forget what made us go after the job in the first place .... It wasn't just money or power! .... We wanted the job because it excited us .... made us feel useful .... made us feel good! .... But after a while, we became afraid that if we didn't perform to someone's imposed Norms or Standards .... that we wouldn't be doing our JOB! .... I recently watched the movie .... 'Jerry Maguire'  ....  and was reminded by Tom Cruise's character, that at some point there's more to it than the money and glory! ....A part of his epiphany occurred coincidentally, at the hands of a youngster in the movie .... He was able to reflect on what was really important! .... Summing up my thoughts in this post .... I admit that I believed teaching was what I did because I had a lot of life's experience to share with students and they could learn ....  they did! .... What I now realize is that .... I still have a lot to learn myself .... and my teachers .... although young and short .... are very good!

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