Retirement....A Lot Of Work!

That's right!  RETIREMENT .... It's really a lot of work .... and stressful!   Whoever said, more time is what everyone needs?  When that long awaited fabulous day arrives, we're just not ready! .... I recently retired from a successful career in teaching, ..... a little before I had planned, .... but never the less was adjusting nicely to the idea! .... A few months in, and I'm finding this a bigger challenge than facing a classroom full of middle schoolers and their .... "It's All About Me" attitudes! .... So I decided to write about some off my 'Post Retirement' adventures .... Maybe through my experiences you'll be more aware of the pros and cons of this lifestyle .... and a little more prepared than I was! 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Results May Vary!

What a great statement! .... If you use this phrase you can pretty much cover your a _ _ for anything you do when it doesn't work out! .... But what does this really mean? .... I'm sure that no one sets out to almost accomplish what they want .... even-though the companies that rely heavily on this phrase have no qualms about taking your money! .... Diet and Pharmaceutical companies are notorious for placing this statement in their adds. .... But for me it has a less sinister meaning! .... I understand it to mean that I am free to experiment and enjoy opportunities that if I take the safe approach I might miss out on something wonderful .... Still, knowing this, instilled caution sometimes prevents me from venturing forward and just let things happen! .... To help me get a better grip on this imperfection, I need to relate life to a sporting analogy .... Here are the facts! .... Countless times in team sports the most talented team with the best players .... highest salaries .... extensive media coverage .... end up underachieving! .... Many reasons are scrutinized .... rationalized .... and publicized .... but ultimately something really simple is the culprit! .... ATTITUDE .... that's right attitude of the players involved .... George Allen .... the legendary Washington Redskins coach .... once commented about an extremely gifted running back that had all the tools to be a Hall of Fame player .... but had issues with authority and following the rules! .... He replied when asked by a reporter as to his opinion on how great a career this individual might enjoy .... 'Talent is not enough!' .... From the first time I heard this I have tried to understand and incorporate this in my youth coaching and then in my classroom when dealing with students that were talented but sometimes were difficult to deal with because they were talented! .... I learned that patience and understanding for these individuals was the best elixir .... along with a strong firm hand of discipline! .... So my point is that having known this for years and understanding how to use it to help others, I forgot that this may now apply to me! .... Doing and saying all the right things .... expecting that I had all the answers .... not allowing room to try different things .... is critical during the change from working to retiring! .... I realize now that I truly need to accept the idea that .... Results May Vary!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Upon Further Review!

Maybe it's the time of the year, or maybe this phrase is being used more often! .... I was thinking how .... 'Upon Further Review' .... might relate to me too! .... You hear this term used after a play on the field has been called by an official .... umpire .... or referee .... but they may have missed it! .... The play or call can be challenged as to being correct! .... Anybody that has watched a National Football League  game is familiar with the procedure! .... After a period of time the head official returns from a sequestered location that involves a camera .... hood .... security .... and earphones .... to inform the television audience and thousands of somewhat knowledgeable fans .... that .... 'Upon Further Review' .... they got it right or they screwed up! .... Most sports .... professional and amateur .... have adopted at least some version of instant replay! .... Unbelievable advancements in technology has created an entirely new culture for the sporting world that allows .... managers .... coaches .... and in some sports .... even the players to question officials decisions! .... It seems natural for this technology to play a major role in sporting events because of the insatiable appetite to .... scrutinize .... optimize .... analyze .... and anyway else .... dissect everything! .... The intent of this process and highly developed technology .... is to get it right! .... Now to the point as it relates to me and who knows .... maybe even you! .... Until recently we lived our life .... did the things that people do for years .... were successful or not .... but had to wait awhile to find out if what we did or accomplished was important .... meaningful .... hurtful .... good .... or bad! .... And for many .... by the time we out .... it was too late and nothing could be done to change it! .... But with the advent of social networking .... YouTube  .... Facebook  .... Twitter  .... we can now judge or be judged almost immediately! .... If we are challenged by something or someone about how we act .... talk .... or think .... 'Upon Further Review' .... we can change it!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

As The World Turns!

How many of you know the television 'Soap Opera' that originated in the 1950's by the same name? .... That's right ....  'As The World Turns' .... It recently broadcast its last episode .....  A daily show that aired for over fifty years! .... Like other baby boomer creations, it ran its course and rode off into the sunset! .... But, just like everything else in life the world doesn't stop turning .... Television shows will continue .... other shows will replace this icon .... story lines will be revisited .... but with different characters! .... This is true for anyone that retires and moves to the the next stage of life called retirement .... Even though we consider what we do unique and special .... The truth is in the phrase itself .... 'As The World Turns' .... says it all! .... No matter what, everything will turn as agreed .... It's been this way since the first cave dwellers walked from their shelters and discovered that it took a lot of work just to get to the next day! ..... If you were lucky, you lived to 'retire' and were taken care of at the ripe old age of about twenty! .... That was the ultimate 401k! .... Live long enough and you garnered the spoils of life's accomplishments .... became wise .... revered by a few .... looked at with awe by some, and contempt by others! .... Is it any different tens of thousands of years latter? .... I say no! .... Oh yeah the social scenery has changed .... Walmart  has replaced the Wooly Mammoth  hunt as a source of garnering supplies to survive! .... Ipods .... Computers .... Facebook and You Tube .... have filled in nicely for meeting new neighbors instead of attacking and enslaving them! .... We are much more civil now .... we have political parties to take care of that! .... The point here is that we realize no matter what we think .... or how we pride ourselves into believing we are better prepared for this time in life when it comes .... and that we are really ready to just sit back .... enjoy .... reflect .... and accept the process! .... The question remains .... do we truly understand the phrase .... 'As The World Turns'? 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Are We There Yet?

Who among us have not experienced these famous words .... "Are We There Yet?" .... I'm sure most of us with kids have! ....  I am convinced that this question is no longer for kids bouncing around in the back seat of the family station wagon .... or mini van .... It has now become a battle cry for me! .... I keep thinking that each new day will provide me with a message divinely delivered! .... The message would include directions to peace of mind and understanding as to how long it'll take to get to a place where I enjoy everything .... without feeling anxiety of separation from the work force! .... Some of my friends have a hard time understanding why I can't relax and get on with 'it' .... whatever 'it' is! .... Let's think about this for a minute .... the .... 'it' .... becomes the destination .... and just like those kids in the back seat, I get tired of the ride and loose patience! .... But this is the irony of retirement .... there's more time .... actually more time than you need .... but not enough time to get clarity and understanding to accept and appreciate the .... 'it' .... I get impatient .... anxious ....  and want to get there now .... just like the kids! .... My problem is .... it's not the same as the kids riding along in the back seat! .... The difference is .... I'm driving and control .... where .... when .... and how long ....  it'll take to get to  .... 'it' ! .... So the message to me is to sit back .... relax .... checkout the scenery and stop asking .... "Are We There Yet!"

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Most Famous Retiree In The World!

It's appropriate that today is the first full day schedule of the 2010 NFL season .... Why? .... Because the most famous retiree in the world .... Bret Farve .... Quarterback for the  Minnesota Vikings .... is an intriguing part of that organization! .... And ....  he has retired and unretired more than Charlie Sheen escapes prosecution! .... But see.... Bret does it the right way .... he keeps getting more money and having to work less! .... I wish I could do that .... miss training camp .... have people hang on my every move .... make mistakes and others take the blame for me! .... I need that kind of love! .... Recently .... CALSTRS .... sent a flyer explaining the procedure that needed to be followed if you were considering unretiring! .... I was shocked that was even a realistic possibility! .... Understand this .... I'm not planning to .... UNRETIRE .... but I am intrigued and empowered by the possibility! .... Flattered would be a better term! .... My concern is that maybe, like Bret, if I do come out of retirement .... how effective could I be? .... My recent volunteer assignment with kindergardeners is proving ....  that when you first comeback the energy and enthusiasm is there .... but after the daily routine sets in .... the stamina and old instincts seemed to have deteriorated to the point that each day gets tougher doing the job! .... Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the opportunity to be in my comfort zone and ease into full retirement .... but it's also nice to know that if it gets too tough, I can just walk away! .... Now let's look at what that really means .... to do that we need to look at Farve's latest unretirement adventure! .... It occurred during a nationally broadcast game against the World Champion New Orleans Saints thursday night! .... I, like most sports fans, am fascinated by a forty-one year grandfather ....  who can play competitively with youngsters half his age. .... As I watched the game I couldn't help to notice that .... in my opinion .... there was something missing this time from Bret's game! .... It seemed as though, that famous fire .... passion .... and love of the game was missing! .... And, I for one know that when you loose the drive to be the best .... it's over! .... Maybe the remaining fifteen games will contradict or prove wrong what appears to be a reality! .... There finally comes a time when you can't let others influence what you know to be best for you! ....  Remember and reflect back on everything you have accomplished .... then enjoy and accept the next great adventure!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

You Don't Wear White After Labor Day!

And I say .... "Why Not?" .... Ever since I can remember, I was told that after labor day you couldn't wear white! .... Shoes .... Pants .... Straw Hats .... Underwear! .... Not really underwear .... I just threw that in to poke a little fun at a tradition that needs to go away! .... Yeah, it's time we come up with something new .... Something like you can't eat hamburgers on Monday's after Thanksgiving! .... Or how about .... You can't drive black cars on Sundays after Halloween! .... See how ridiculous this is? .... When I lived back east, I thought that you didn't wear white because the weather was turning colder and with it, the .... rain .... snow .... and slush .... might ruin your pretty white outfit! .... That turned out to be only partially right! ....  When I moved to Sunny Southern California .... I thought that I would never be faced with this dilemma again .... but I was wrong! .... Not to long ago I was reminded by one of my friends when he saw me wearing a pair of white shoes in November ....  that I had just created one of the greatest  Fashion Faux Pas of the year! .... He scolded me for .... 'Wearing White' after labor day! .... I was horrified! .... What will happen to me? .... Will I be banned from shopping on Rodeo Drive? .... Will I be forbidden to attend the Grammy Awards? .... or worse .... Will  Ralph Lauren  reposes all my 'Polo'  products? .... Probably not! .... See .... it turns out that this ridiculous tradition has come under close scrutiny from others, and it seems as though that it is time for it to go! .... The reasons given for its emergence .... in addition to the middle class tradition set throughout the 50's and 60's .... the "no white after labor day rule"....  which became as important as chicken pot pie and drive-in movies .... as a way to assert their new found social status .... were the following ....   (1) 'An arbitrary way for the nouveau riche to assert their status by crafting a complex social code .... and .... (2) The fashion-industry's conspiracy to force you into buying fall clothes.' .... So there it is, finally an explanation! .... Okay then .... who's with me? .... Post a comment and let me know what your thoughts are on  .... 'Wearing White After Labor Day ' !

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What An Unusual First Week Of Retirement!

Okay .... I haven't posted for a couple of days because .... I've been BUSY! .... That's right, busy working .... actually volunteer teaching in a kindergarten classroom and having a blast.  The perfect way to ease into retirement is to go to work when you really don't have too! .... The comparison is like going to a restaurant that offers an all-you-can eat Steak and Seafood Buffet .... and only choosing to eat a salad. You know you're doing something good .... (even-though it hurts a little) .... but when you get home you can look back and be proud of yourself.  This experience is awesome .... coming at the right time in my life when patience is an absolute necessity .... and a chance to work with youngster leaving the security and comfort of their homes and family .... in some cases .... for the first time! .... I'm teaching them order .... structure .... learning to share .... getting along with others .... and they are teaching me to be loving .... accepting .... forgiving .... and excited about new opportunities! .... The symbiotic relationship leans more in my favor because I have forgotten some basics of life .... just relax and enjoy the moment .... stop to smell the roses .... put aside petty differences .... and learn each day! .... Maybe when we work at a job for so many years we become so consumed in the .... JOB DESCRIPTION .... that we forget what made us go after the job in the first place .... It wasn't just money or power! .... We wanted the job because it excited us .... made us feel useful .... made us feel good! .... But after a while, we became afraid that if we didn't perform to someone's imposed Norms or Standards .... that we wouldn't be doing our JOB! .... I recently watched the movie .... 'Jerry Maguire'  ....  and was reminded by Tom Cruise's character, that at some point there's more to it than the money and glory! ....A part of his epiphany occurred coincidentally, at the hands of a youngster in the movie .... He was able to reflect on what was really important! .... Summing up my thoughts in this post .... I admit that I believed teaching was what I did because I had a lot of life's experience to share with students and they could learn ....  they did! .... What I now realize is that .... I still have a lot to learn myself .... and my teachers .... although young and short .... are very good!