Retirement....A Lot Of Work!

That's right!  RETIREMENT .... It's really a lot of work .... and stressful!   Whoever said, more time is what everyone needs?  When that long awaited fabulous day arrives, we're just not ready! .... I recently retired from a successful career in teaching, ..... a little before I had planned, .... but never the less was adjusting nicely to the idea! .... A few months in, and I'm finding this a bigger challenge than facing a classroom full of middle schoolers and their .... "It's All About Me" attitudes! .... So I decided to write about some off my 'Post Retirement' adventures .... Maybe through my experiences you'll be more aware of the pros and cons of this lifestyle .... and a little more prepared than I was! 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Every-day's Not A 911!

It's like this .... if you know anything about the term .... Metaphysics .... you'll understand what I'm sharing with you today .... Admittedly, my life has been far from  NORMAL lately! .... I have always viewed normal as something to aspire to, but after listening to  Rev. Joe ....  from the " Center For Spiritual Living" .... I discovered that I needed to rethink .... My Normal .... If you compare normal to  front page stories of a newspaper .... (you know, the important stories) .... then understanding normal begins to take on a unique perspective ....  According to Rev. Joe, "Life just isn't about the front page story, it's about the comics too!" ....  I can relate to this and how I have been dealing with many aspects of my life .... especially this new retirement thing! .... Good news for me though .... every problem has a life span ....  keeping that in mind, a new normal is in store for me.  As I stated in my previous post, this coming week school will start and for the first time since I've been in high school, I officially do not have to report to a ..... NORMAL  .... job! .... Work is a large part of our every day life's .... but for me, sitting back and enjoying the spoils of life is my reward for being a .... NORMAL American worker! .... How will I handle it? .... How will others handle me? .... How will the world survive without the guidance and control? .... You see, if I'm not dealing with the 'Front Page Stories' .... How can I exist?.... How can the world exist .... without its .... 'Super-hero' ? ....  So this is the point of today's post, no matter how hard I try to force issues like .... activities .... friendships .... travel .... relationships .... I can't make them  NORMAL! .... NORMAL is going to happen when it's ready .... and in a way that is ultimately best for me and anyone that touches my life.  So there you have it .... everyday doesn't need to be a 911!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I'm Back .... Rested And Ready!

Oh yeah .... I feel much better!  I was having such a good time adjusting to my adventurous new life, that I forgot to take care of myself.  Well I'm better now and for those of you who have contacted me wondering why I haven't posted lately I say .... Thank You .... It's nice to know that you are inspired,  perspired,  or retired .... and interested in living vicariously through my adventures! .... So let me bring you up to speed on what's going on.  This week has been a little difficult for me because this is usually the time of year that I would be preparing my classroom and bracing for the onslaught of a new group of eager to learn .... P. I. T. ' s .... ( People In Training ) ....  I always explained to them that they were in my class because my job was to get them ready for high school and prepared for life after this transition year.  Like most of us .... even though we don't admit it .... at some point in life we pretty much think we know it all .... The difference with an eighth grader is that they insist they know it all .... and try to make you believe IT! ....  Remembering this, I have now decided that it's time to create an acronym for people like me .... here it is .... we will now be known as .... R. I. T. 's .... Yep, you got it .....  RETIREES IN TRAINING .... just like those young people have to learn about social interaction and the challenges that face them beyond the protection and security of what they are used to .... retired people need to learn that retirement is more than the financial .... it's .... Carpe Diem .... and they should .... because they have earned the right and the spoils that come with having reached a most time honored pinnacle .... RETIREMENT .... a place in life that offers challenges .... but at a slower pace!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fish, Fish, Make A Wish!

I'm finding time in this retirement thing to pursue more of my unusual quests .... for instance to find the country's best fish sandwich! .... I'm not sure the Earl of Sandwich, the 18th century statesman who is generally associated with the culinary treat, would find my quest interesting though? ....  But here's the thing .... yesterday with my continued stay on California's beautiful southern coast .... the thought occurred to me that not once during the week had I pleasured my pallet with fish! .... As I was driving north along the ocean .... the craving began to overtake me and I needed a fish sandwich! .... But where could I find one .... I mean the PERFECT ONE?   Surely along this beautiful stretch of landscape there must be something .... someplace .... that would meet my needs! .... The problem though, was there were too many choices .... restaurant after restaurant passed by .... through beach cities like .... Del Mar ....  Cardiff By the Sea .... Solana Beach .... Encinitas .... but which one would have the best .... the perfect sandwich?  By the time I decided, I realized I had driven all the way to Carlsbad .... I've stayed there quite a few times and remembered seeing a restaurant called Jay's Gourmet Pizza and Seafood, .... perfect, I'll stop there .... they've got to have a fish sandwich! .... Whoops! .... when I checked the menu I couldn't find a fish sandwich .... there were many seafood dishes available both lunch and dinner .... but no FISH SANDWICH! .... total disappointment .... what now?  Just then, Jenna, a very pleasant employee approached me ....  I explained to her that I was really hoping to get a fish sandwich .... the reason she explained that one was not on the menu, was because none of their food was fried! .... She said that maybe they could create one for me .... I thought,  that'll work! .... She asked what kind of fish I wanted and I told her to pick one ....  her choice was Halibut. .... I ask for fries and she reminded me that they don't fry anything .... so instead, I had a bowl of clam chowder, ( which by the way was excellent) .... Finally, my special creation arrived and looked terrific .... it was grilled .... placed on a large focaccio roll .... topped with lettuce and tomato .... and was huge! .... The first bite told me that this was a great choice .... the fish was cooked to perfection and the warm roll melted in my mouth .... they did well! .... As I said, this sandwich was huge .... but I finished it! .... I have eaten fish sandwiches in many places around the country .... some really great ones ..... but I have to say that this truly was one of the best I've had yet! .... I'll keep looking now that I'm retired .... but this one's going to be hard to top!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Time To 'Beer' Down!

This could be my favorite title yet! .... While I was working I didn't have time, or at least choose to participate in a growing popular pastime .... frequenting 'Micro Breweries' !  Friends of mine have been telling me for a while, how they have really enjoyed visiting various breweries in different locations, and getting into the nuances of the art of beer tasting .... Having been a college student during the sixties, I thought I new all about beer .... Heck, I can do better than that .... my grandparents owned a bar back in western Pennsylvania .... that alone should automatically qualify me as an expert! .... But not so fast .... this is way beyond pulling a draft tap .... uncapping a bottle .... or popping a top on a can .... this is a highly refined eloquently explained and deliciously delivered experience .... it's tasting at its finest!  I'm learning that beer tasting is becoming as popular as wine-tasting .... and the cool thing is you don't have to wait for anything to ripen on a vine .... or be affected by the weather .... you just need to be patient and allow natural fermentation ..... and .... presto .... Tap A Keg!  There are thousands of Micro Breweries scattered around the country and all have unique ways of delivering their goods.  My recent experience was in San Diego at the Karl Strauss Brewery,  and at an event they call  'Cask Nite' ! .... First let me say .... I really enjoyed the appetizers, and the food menu was outstanding .... very yummy ....  my beer choices were pretty good too .... but my Cask Nite experience was interesting .... The way this process works is that at certain times during the month, the brewery announces they are going to 'Tap a Keg' of one of their Brew-master's concoction of unusual ingredients .... could be anything from lavender pedals to coriander .... whatever.  Everyone gathers .... they pick a time .... grab a wooden mallet .... and .... after a ceremonial count down by all present .... whapp .... a keg is tapped! Samples are available for all with the hope that this will become the next most popular flavor and huge best seller.  As always, the aficionados ooh and ah about the body .... color .... aroma .... and of course taste .... But the proof of success remains in the ultimate testimonial .... will anyone buy it? .... Some will .... but others think of it as interesting and fun ....  preferring to stick with their personal favorites.  So there you have it .... 'Cask Nite' .... good food .... good fun .... great friends! .... Oh yeah, the beer .... it was flavored with coriander and lavender .... and as far as my inexperienced pallet determined .... tasted a little soapy! .... Cheers!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Sun, The Sea, The Surf!

I'm staying ....  at least for a couple more days! Oh yeah .... this place is great. I noticed an add yesterday for a part time job at a company here in La Jolla .... "Fishmore and Doolittle"! .... Maybe I'll apply? .... seriously though, I spent yesterday at the pier in Oceanside, CA. .... this is one of my favorite spots to pier fish in Southern California.  First off, it's the longest pier in California .... the fishing is great .... the people are interesting .... there's a Diner, ( Ruby's Diner), at the end of the pier .... and plenty of parking fairly close .... plenty of exercise from walking the long pier .... and oh yeah did I mention .... absolutely great views of the coastline both north and south .... check out the link and you'll see what I'm talking about, .... it's just a great place to spend the day and forget about everything .... even putting more money in the meter! .... by the way, the Wyndham Oceanside Pier Resort Suites, is a great place to stay ..... walking distance to everything and reasonable rates .... Okay, now the cool stuff .... especially for a few of you who have ask and want to know about .... THE FISHING! .... As always, when I'm here it's impossible to leave .... I forget about everything .... eating .... phone calls .... parking meters ....  almost! .... See it's like this, I get so caught up from all the excitement of people catching things, I don't want to stop .... I'm afraid I'll miss out on that one great catch .... The pier is home to some doggedly dedicated anglers .... and they are the culture of the pier. Eager to give advice on everything from the bait needed that day, to the kind of equipment you need .... even about what you are wearing!  And let me tell you .... they catch fish, a lot of fish! .... Usually, so do I .... just never the really big ones .... at least not yet. I'm still learning from my mentors all the tricks .... but I'm getting better and really think I should spend more time here .... The great thing about pier fishing in California is that you don't need a license .... it's great because the money you save can be spent on more important things .... like more tackle! Anyway .... the day was great .... Good Sun .... Good Sea .... Good Surf! ....  Maybe next time you can join me?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Now This Is More Like It!

Wow .... why didn't I think of this before .... I guess my thought process is still not in the right mode. I'm sitting in heat and humidity that becomes oppressive at times and certainly limits all my outdoor activities .... when all I had to do was get in my car .... drive less than 120 miles .... and here I am .... in a place where the ocean breezes are a cool and refreshing 72 degrees! See, this is what I've been talking about .... it's hard to remember that .... I'M RETIRED!! It means relax and enjoy, you've earned it.  A friend recently sent me some retirement bumper stickers that she found on this website .... check out a couple, because I think they go along way towards explaining this 'Brave New World ' or is it 'Old World' .... whatever .... here they are .... Bumper Stickers.  See what I mean, it makes you think. Anyway, getting back to my fabulous get away, the weather is great .... the Pacific is blue and the fishing .... the fishing is still to come! I'm still finding all the cool places to frequent. Today's gastronomical expedition is taking me to the Pizza Port in Solona Beach .... sounds like my ship may come in there .... my two favorite diet busting entrees .... pizza and beer! But listen .... I worked out this morning .... ran on the beach .... remembered what my trainer taught me, (I had to promise to keep working while I'm away) .... and generally recovered from my first night's celebrations .... I deserve to relish in the culinary treats of beach comfort food .... I mean why not .... tomorrow's another day and anyway it's cool here ....  maybe I'll work out this evening .... or maybe not! .... Instead, I'll get back here and write about the great drive I took ....  along the coast with the top down .... the great views .... the smell of the salt air .... the wind in my face .... or maybe about how badly sunburned I got, and how much aloe vera I still need! .... Anyway, I'll keep you posted ....!

Friday, August 13, 2010

The 'Chase' Is On!

In my last post I talked about two things that happened to me within a 24 hour period of time that reminded me what working and being is all about. The second epiphany .... occurred at one of my favorite morning coffee shops .... Panera Bread .... with people who were still working and others also retired. As usual there were several of the regulars sitting around their previously designated location within the establishment. By the way, this is a great place to solve all the problems of the .... world .... country .... state .... family .... an Universe! I received my order and listened intently to a question asked by one participant that dealt with Chevy Chase .... Okay, before I go any further I need to ask YOU if you know anything about Chevy Chase. Before you answer check out these two links .... first .... Chevy Chase  .... and then of course this link .... Chevy Chase ! Alright tell the truth, how many of you new this before you looked it up .... come on be honest .... okay I thought so. Don't feel bad because this is truly the point to this scenario .... none of the philosophers sitting around the table new the answer .... along with several other patrons in the establishment ....  and they were using computers to get started on their days work! Here it is .... there was an article in the local paper quoting something Israeli Prime Minister,  Binyamin Netanyahu  said to a former U.S. diplomat .... he said, "You live in Chevy Chase. Don't play with our future." .... They were perplexed by the comment because the only Chevy Chase they new of was the actor/comedian, and they wondered why a world leader was basing international politics on a character who was best known for his edgy slapstick comedy. Having sat there for several minutes, the teacher in me took over and I chimed in to inform my peers that the comparison was between a bedroom community outside Washington, D.C. and the dangerous and tense geography of the Middle East. So there you have it .... teaching is an on going job .... whether I want to or not .... It's Automatic! Before I left, I Googled Chevy Chase, MD. on my Motorola Droid and showed them a picture .... it was a good thing! I think I'll go back there soon .... the conversation is quite stimulating ..... and rewarding!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's Working!

Okay .... this is really cool .... some of the things that I have talked about in my previous posts are starting to make sense .... at least to me .... and soon others! As the 18th century moralist Joseph Joubert wrote, .... 'To Teach Is To Learn Twice',  this holds true in everything we do .... that is why for 15 years in my classroom I posted this on my wall .... not to impress my students, but to remind me that I didn't have all the answers, and that I was always learning .... especially when I share with others. So how does all this relate to retirement? Like this .... I HAVE JUST REALIZED THAT YOU MAY NOT BE REPORTING TO WORK EVERYDAY, BUT YOU ARE REPORTING TO LIFE EVERYDAY. Therefore, the shear interpersonal relationships offer many teaching moments .... and most importantly .... learning moments. Twice in the past 24 hours things have presented themselves allowing for those kind of moments! First .... having dinner with friends, the discussion was centered around the art of photography and the need for equipment that would satisfy specific goals as it relates to .... picture quality .... ease of operation .... convenience .... expense, both time and money .... and finally .... ultimate personal comfort. My personal photography experiences cover 30 years, from 35 mm film to more recently digital video and still photos. My latest camera of choice has been a Cannon Rebel Xsi  with a standard lens and a 75-300 telephoto. So I recommended they purchase one. To me this camera would do all that I needed and then some and was relatively easy to use with outstanding results. I tried my best to convince my audience that they could do this and to not give up .... "It'll get easier and you'll love it" I said. But, this is the point .... all of the basics I outlined were in place, except that people need to find their comfort level and take a path that enhances their goals .... anything less is stifling to the natural thirst for self fulfillment. If the same can be accomplished by a lesser means, then as that other great philosopher said .... 'Just Do It' ! My second epiphany happened at the coffee shop and I'll tell you about that in my next post.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

For Those Still Working!

Let's see, how does this work, oh yeah .... you get up everyday .... grab a coffee .... think about what to wear .... how you're going to fix your hair .... (if you have any) .... anticipate the work you have to do .... worry about the fellow employee that you don't quite see eye to eye with .... worry about your boss and hope he's at a meeting or took the day off .... remember the one thing you were supposed to have done before you left yesterday and .... then wish it's Saturday so you don't have to go to work! Well guess what .... everyday is Saturday for a retired person. Now there's good and bad with this realization .... first the good .... you can sleep in, play golf, wash the car, have a long drawn out breakfast on the patio, play tennis, do Starbucks,  and a whole host of assorted other THINGS. Second the bad .... wait .... there is no bad! That's the catch .... it only seems bad because you feel just a little guilty for taking it slow and easy. Now let's all picture what it would be like if everyone was retired .... can't do it can you? Nope, because even some of you who read what I write have a hard time relating to what really goes on in a retirees world. I know, it was the same for me .... I can remember driving from my home to school and every once in a while before getting there, I would stop by Panera Bread for an Asiago Bagel and coffee .... I'd listen to all the retirees gathered at various clan-destined locations scattered throughout the establishment, planning their days .... and wish I could do that instead of going to school. I can't tell you how many days that scenario took place. Even now .... my friends are envious of all the free time coming my way .... and you know what .... it is kind of fun!  I guess it's just human nature for us to resist the self proclaimed dedication and commitment we bestow on ourselves as harbingers of noble worthiness, usually reserved for only Lancelot and The Knights of the Roundtable. So .... Gallant Knights and Fair Ladies of Camelot .... dawn the tapestry of a work ethic and release the chains of servitude ..... or something like that .... and wait for your turn. It'll be here before you know it! 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Moving Along Nicely!

It's working .... I'm not but it is! The IT is adjusting to my new life .... the one with no schedule ..... no clocks .... no worries! On my last post I talked about my physical challenge and what I needed to do to take care of my body. The harder challenge appears to be working on the most difficult organ in the body .... the brain! In my case, my brain is dealing with retirement as a great end to a rather unique life in the workplace. This may sound normal and healthy, but ah .... here's the catch. I feel used up .... unnecessary .... displaced .... without purpose.  Okay, we get the picture .... what else is there left? The physical part is easy to diagnose .... all you have to do is look in the mirror .... get a physical .... or some other diagnostic process and there you go .... you can take action. But what about this mental thing .... who can really get into your head and understand what that marvelous ultra controlling organ has planned for you? This part is difficult .... a lot more difficult than working out with a personal trainer. I don't have this completely fixed yet, but I am starting to listen to my inner thoughts .... counseling therapy helps .... but ultimately you have to allow time to redefine yourself and make something happen. I have always been a semi-positive person .... that means half the time I'm not, and that is the part that I have to live with the most. Before I became a teacher, I was a pretty good salesperson .... cars.... real estate .... time shares .... my dad's vegetables .... wait, that's another story for later! But relatively speaking, I was successful and I liked doing it. So here is the point to all of this, I had to think of what motivated me to put myself on the line everyday and earn a living. One was the need to eat .... but the big thing about sales was that when I sold, I felt good about myself. I proved to me that I could go into the game and win. I could be a Hero ! So there it is .... I need to do something that motivates me to see myself as a hero in my own eyes. This was going to be my toughest sales job ever .... my customer new all my tricks!

Friday, August 6, 2010

So Many Time, So Little Things!

Yes, you read that title right .... early retirement feels like that. Admittedly, recent developments have changed my slant on this phase. Follow me through on this .... I had just made the final decision to .... send in the paperwork .... and I was walking by the full length mirror in my cozy but crowded bedroom, and I noticed what I thought was another person standing there! Opps ..... that wasn't another person, it was more of me than I had noticed before. See .... I figure it was the fact that I was busy working .... and I hadn't paid much attention to what had become of me .... ALL OF ME! Here's the deal .... I'm retiring .... but I have let myself reach an unhealthy phisical state. If I was going to have a chance to survive this great new unknown challenge .... I needed to address this problem quickly. The first step I took was to purchase a brand new 21 speed .... wonderfully designed .... sexy Trek bicycle. This was going to be my method of attack on a body that had become bigger .... and close to replacing Pluto as a planet in our Solar System! Great idea .... great bike .... good start .... but more was needed. I needed someone to keep me focused and encourage me with a gentle nudge .... or more! Through the help of some friends, I found what was to be a perfect fit for my Oddesy. Unlike Homer's , I needed mine to work a lot faster. So I did what any good natured .... larger than life .... out of shape .... sixty year old retiree would do .... I hired a Personal Trainer! Yes .... I did it .... I signed up for a gym membership at Anytime Fitness, and secured my version of pain and agony in my very own personal trainer. It's what I needed and what has helped me progress through the early stages of retirement. It's working .... and it's hard .... but a 'journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step.' I'll share more in future posts about the highs and lows. Until then .... I'll be sweating it out!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Okay, This Feels More Like It!

Wow .... writing this page is starting to feel like a job!  But wait, that's a good thing, it's forcing me into Semi-Retirement .... and now I'm only bored half the time!  I must admit, that all the years I taught English Composition to my students, I didn't realize the pressure they were under .... especially with my imposed deadlines. I am now the victim of my own lesson plans. Okay, in my first post I mentioned that my retirement was unexpected, much like when you wake up one morning and realize that you forgot to buy tooth paste the night before, and you are now faced with the prospect of slithering through the day with your mouth closed so as not to offend too many people. See .... most people can relate to feelings they have for their job .... feelings i.e. .... I work too hard .... I do more than anyone else around here .... I wish I didn't have to go in today.... I could have been an athlete/politician/actor/ writer etc. ..... okay, you get the picture! But fact is, most of us are doing exactly what is right for us, and what we like. Basically, we're just complaining, mostly to ourselves. I know personally I said, "I can't wait to retire and get out of this rat race."....  and then it happens .... they make you an offer you can't refuse .... and just like Mario Puzo's novel, there are strings attached! These strings are emotional strings .... afraid to stay .... afraid to go .... 'Oh Rhett, what is a soul to do' ....  Margaret Mitchell made it clear in 'Gone With the Wind', you finally get to a point where you have to do something! Alright, you're starting to get my mind set at the initial point of retirement. The good thing was that I still had to work four months .... in a career that I  wanted and worked hard to get for nearly twenty-five years, and now I was about to walk away. Of course I rationalized it, that's what we humans do when we're unsure of things. I told myself that education wasn't what it used to be .... thank God it's not! .... and that I have done all I can, it's time to let someone younger shoulder the educational responsibilities to our youth. Politically correct words, but really not what I believed. But it was done and time to plan for the future .... 'these were going to be the first days of the rest of my life' .... and I was starting to look forward to those days! Now that you know some of the process I went through, my future posts will detail some of the early trials and tribulations of my Retirement!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Here We Go!

I have been thinking about this long and hard since that magical day first dawned its relatively insane option. That's right .... RETIREMENT! Wow, I thought .... one .... I would never make it to this point,  two .... when and if I did I'd worry about it then.  By worry about, I mean of course the financial part ....  I never thought about all that extra time I'd have once that day actually happened!  See the problem is that many of us go through life and only give lip service to retirement. Oh sure, it's part of that great "American Dream" .... get an education, end up with a great job, meet the girl of your dreams, marry, have 2.7 kids, a wonderful home, work until your 65, and then, .... now wait for it .... RETIRE! Problem is .... that happens to less than 10 percent of us. Most others experience the "D Words".... Debit, Divorce, and Death! Okay.... so far I've only gone through two, a couple of times! Now you have to be thinking .... 'wouldn't retirement maybe be a better solution?' You'd think, but a whole new set of unforeseen problems grip me like a pair of old rusty barbecue tongs, left in the elements to fend for themselves with no protection. Somehow they still work, but there never going be the same as when they were new, so maybe it's time for me to RETIRE them! ....  Here I am .... too old to be young .... too young to be old .... but, at least I've made it this far! The next great adventure has begun and where do I go from here, what do I do with all this time, how about the financial end, can I make it on this fixed amount? .... stay tuned and I'll keep you posted.