Retirement....A Lot Of Work!

That's right!  RETIREMENT .... It's really a lot of work .... and stressful!   Whoever said, more time is what everyone needs?  When that long awaited fabulous day arrives, we're just not ready! .... I recently retired from a successful career in teaching, ..... a little before I had planned, .... but never the less was adjusting nicely to the idea! .... A few months in, and I'm finding this a bigger challenge than facing a classroom full of middle schoolers and their .... "It's All About Me" attitudes! .... So I decided to write about some off my 'Post Retirement' adventures .... Maybe through my experiences you'll be more aware of the pros and cons of this lifestyle .... and a little more prepared than I was! 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Here We Go!

I have been thinking about this long and hard since that magical day first dawned its relatively insane option. That's right .... RETIREMENT! Wow, I thought .... one .... I would never make it to this point,  two .... when and if I did I'd worry about it then.  By worry about, I mean of course the financial part ....  I never thought about all that extra time I'd have once that day actually happened!  See the problem is that many of us go through life and only give lip service to retirement. Oh sure, it's part of that great "American Dream" .... get an education, end up with a great job, meet the girl of your dreams, marry, have 2.7 kids, a wonderful home, work until your 65, and then, .... now wait for it .... RETIRE! Problem is .... that happens to less than 10 percent of us. Most others experience the "D Words".... Debit, Divorce, and Death! Okay.... so far I've only gone through two, a couple of times! Now you have to be thinking .... 'wouldn't retirement maybe be a better solution?' You'd think, but a whole new set of unforeseen problems grip me like a pair of old rusty barbecue tongs, left in the elements to fend for themselves with no protection. Somehow they still work, but there never going be the same as when they were new, so maybe it's time for me to RETIRE them! ....  Here I am .... too old to be young .... too young to be old .... but, at least I've made it this far! The next great adventure has begun and where do I go from here, what do I do with all this time, how about the financial end, can I make it on this fixed amount? .... stay tuned and I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. OMG....our thoughts exactly! About that too young to be old part, who would have thought we would get here and HOW did we get here!The "D" words...we have all been there a few times. Hopefully now we are all done with two of the "D" words and hold the third at bay awhile longer!! Take time to relax into it Ron, enjoy each day you are given and find something to smile about each day! WOW, I have to reread my own advice a few times over.....maybe I should practice what I preach. I will enjoy following your blog! Staying tuned for then next installment! Love you
