Retirement....A Lot Of Work!

That's right!  RETIREMENT .... It's really a lot of work .... and stressful!   Whoever said, more time is what everyone needs?  When that long awaited fabulous day arrives, we're just not ready! .... I recently retired from a successful career in teaching, ..... a little before I had planned, .... but never the less was adjusting nicely to the idea! .... A few months in, and I'm finding this a bigger challenge than facing a classroom full of middle schoolers and their .... "It's All About Me" attitudes! .... So I decided to write about some off my 'Post Retirement' adventures .... Maybe through my experiences you'll be more aware of the pros and cons of this lifestyle .... and a little more prepared than I was! 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Moving Along Nicely!

It's working .... I'm not but it is! The IT is adjusting to my new life .... the one with no schedule ..... no clocks .... no worries! On my last post I talked about my physical challenge and what I needed to do to take care of my body. The harder challenge appears to be working on the most difficult organ in the body .... the brain! In my case, my brain is dealing with retirement as a great end to a rather unique life in the workplace. This may sound normal and healthy, but ah .... here's the catch. I feel used up .... unnecessary .... displaced .... without purpose.  Okay, we get the picture .... what else is there left? The physical part is easy to diagnose .... all you have to do is look in the mirror .... get a physical .... or some other diagnostic process and there you go .... you can take action. But what about this mental thing .... who can really get into your head and understand what that marvelous ultra controlling organ has planned for you? This part is difficult .... a lot more difficult than working out with a personal trainer. I don't have this completely fixed yet, but I am starting to listen to my inner thoughts .... counseling therapy helps .... but ultimately you have to allow time to redefine yourself and make something happen. I have always been a semi-positive person .... that means half the time I'm not, and that is the part that I have to live with the most. Before I became a teacher, I was a pretty good salesperson .... cars.... real estate .... time shares .... my dad's vegetables .... wait, that's another story for later! But relatively speaking, I was successful and I liked doing it. So here is the point to all of this, I had to think of what motivated me to put myself on the line everyday and earn a living. One was the need to eat .... but the big thing about sales was that when I sold, I felt good about myself. I proved to me that I could go into the game and win. I could be a Hero ! So there it is .... I need to do something that motivates me to see myself as a hero in my own eyes. This was going to be my toughest sales job ever .... my customer new all my tricks!

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