Retirement....A Lot Of Work!

That's right!  RETIREMENT .... It's really a lot of work .... and stressful!   Whoever said, more time is what everyone needs?  When that long awaited fabulous day arrives, we're just not ready! .... I recently retired from a successful career in teaching, ..... a little before I had planned, .... but never the less was adjusting nicely to the idea! .... A few months in, and I'm finding this a bigger challenge than facing a classroom full of middle schoolers and their .... "It's All About Me" attitudes! .... So I decided to write about some off my 'Post Retirement' adventures .... Maybe through my experiences you'll be more aware of the pros and cons of this lifestyle .... and a little more prepared than I was! 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oh Great ..... Rain!

Terrific .... the forecast the next couple of days is for rain .... clouds .... and gray skies! .... Unbelievable,  this is supposed to be sunny Southern California! ....  Some of you who know me realize that I have pet peeves about things in nature .... Wind .... Trees .... and .... Rain! .... Trees and rain being the worst! .... It's probably because growing up on the East Coast, a good week would be if the weather forecast was for mostly cloudy and cool with an 80% chance of rain daily ....  and a slight chance of ever seeing the sun! .... Okay .... I exaggerate, but only slightly!.... In addition, if you have not been back east, the problem is that with the exceptions of the big cities, there are so many trees that even when the sun shines in certain places .... you still can't see it! .... Call me crazy .... give me those 350 days of clear skies .... I'll figure out a way to shade myself without a 'Rain-forest'! .... Think about  it .... 'Rainforest'  .... those two words alone should strike terror in the hearts of any sun loving soul! .... See, here's the thing .... natural forces are like friendships and relationships! .... If you are fortunate enough to be in a geographical location where things are constant, the stress of daily life only needs to be about our work .... or off time! .... On the other hand, living in a location that is unpredictable, with a major chance for climate variances .... besides work, what do you have? .... What you have is a better chance to focus on interpersonal contact! .... In my opinion .... trees represent .... friendships and relationships! .... They provide the cover that shields and hides us temporally from the inevitable .... it's raining and we're going to get wet! ... So unlike trees that thrive in rain .... we get a false sense of security .... we are tricked by are own mind into thinking .... that just because we can't see it or feel it .... it's not raining! .... And what about rain? .... Maybe the rain is the real culprit .... at least for me! .... Even on the rare days when it does rain it's a problem for me!.... Instead of performing the wonderful function that nature intended .... which is to give life and hope by washing away dirt and debris, and providing the basic element humans require (water) .... rain leaves me sloshing in the dirt and debris of others! .... You would think that things would be good once the rain stops .... but for me .... as I look out the window in this down pour .... I see only gray skies and debris!

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